I think my son is pretty amazing and here are some of the reasons why:
He is strong.
He is healthy.
He is EXTREMELY determined.
He loves loves loves the Indianapolis Colts.
He loves loves loves football.
He knows the game of football, forward and backward, backward and forward.
He has an amazing memory.
He can tell you what teams played what Superbowl, where, what year and what the final score was AND who the MVP was that year. Really...try testing him....he will amaze you!
He knows tons of obscure football trivia.
He plays amazing guitar.
He plays amazing saxophone.
He is kind.
He is thoughtful.
He is polite.
He is sensitive.
He is loving.
He is loyal.
He is extremely intelligent.
He is extremely organized.
He is hard working.
He loves to collect Indianapolis Colts Memorabilia.
He loves God with all his heart.
He loves his brother, although some days I wonder.
He knows and respects the power of Prayer.
I could fill volumes telling you about why he is so special. But suffice it to say he is one amazing kid!
Happy 12th Birthday Wyatt.
Your Dad and I love you very much and are very proud of you!
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